Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can everyone have the direction of Google Earth?

Google Earth Application at last arrived at Android market, although it seems weird that it did not happen earlier. But Google Earth would only work on the handsets which have Android 2.1 OS or later versions.
Android 2.1 is obviously a beefed up version Android. And it effectively limits Google Earth to the Nexus One. The enthusiast mobile users had seen the glimpse of Google since Nexus One was unveiled into the market. Right after that, Google released Google Earth (Mobile version) along with Road Layer, a feature of the desktop version of the Google earth.
The good news is those of users with Nexus One and some older HTC handsets can head to Google Earth along with layers including Places, Businesses, Panoramio, Wikipedia, Roads, Borders and Labels, and Terrain etc. Multi-touch, and double tap are also enabled in the app, and its rendering time is quite snappy.
The rest of the users will have to wait for update till v 2.1 come to all Android phones. So keep an eye out for an update!

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